Belize Day 5: Lunch with Crisantos' Family
I woke up early this morning and went outside for some quiet time. The sky was dark and air was thick. The trees gently swayed in the breeze. I took a walk on the grounds and discovered the garden where they grow peppers, onions, pineapple, guavas, eggplant and lettuce, among other things.
We went to the clinic, and I was amazed at how quickly we are able to set up. Initially, it seemed like there weren't many patients, but that quickly changed. The throngs of people
For lunch, we went to Crisantos' house. A better word is compound. The land has one concrete house and several board-sided thatch-roofed homes that house members of his family. We were treated to a home cooked meal. After lunch, we walked down to the creek behind the compound. His grandchildren jumped in the water and played hard, as children do. The river is used to bathe, wash clothing and dishes and also for play.
We returned to the school where we finished up the day's patients. Thankfully, we turned no one away. This week, we were able to see 362 patients.
The construction crew completed various projects. Today, they repaired benches, dug up stumps, installed a toilet and completed various items from the "construction honey-do" list.
The VBS crew finished their program today. In total, they were able to minister to over 700 children!
This has been a humbling week. I am thankful for my many blessings and also grateful that I am able to use my gifts for His glory.
Thank you so much for going to serve, and for sharing this mission with us - it sounds like it was an amazing experience!