Monday, January 27, 2014

Team Belize 2014 (May 4-10)

Beyond the cruise ships and beaches and dive spots and the world's second largest coral barrier reef, Belize subsists as one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere.  While most Belizeans are professing Christians, according to "Operation World", the church there is plagued by legalism, syncretism, nominalism, disunity, and an over-dependence on outside sources (including a never-ending presence of mission-trippers).

Into this coastal enclave, the Lord sent Dr. Paul Whisnant in 1990 to found International Servants, a ministry focused on meeting both physical and spiritual needs and serving the poorest of the poor.  iServants are planting self-sustaining Belizean-led churches in the poverty-ridden jungle villages found in the country's interior.  To date, the Lord has used them and the teams they have hosted to help build a network of over 50 churches.

You can read more about them here:

You can read more about their strategy here:

Our team will fly down on May 4, serve alongside fellow believers from other churches for the week, and return on May 10.  Some of us will serve with the medical team, some will work on a construction team, and others will work with children. Based on the reports of those who have been previously, we expect that we will work hard, but that we will be well fed and rested. It's a direct 2.5 hour flight from DFW, and offers an excellent and accessible cross-cultural short-term mission experience for anyone, including first-timers, of which there are several on our team.

Thank you in advance for praying for us and for giving to help support the mission as the Lord may lead (you may support our team here).